Switzerland Imports from Czech Republic of Chalk was US$1.54 Thousand during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Switzerland Imports from Czech Republic of Chalk - data, historical chart and statistics - was last updated on May of 2024.

switzerland Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade 2845.26 2340.02 5638.27 -1452.84 CHF Million [+]
Current Account 15432.22 17847.81 26511.92 -18309.82 CHF Million [+]
Current Account to GDP 7.60 9.90 14.80 -0.60 percent of GDP [+]
Imports 18209.82 18831.71 20329.95 273.20 CHF million [+]
Exports 21055.08 21171.73 23956.90 245.90 CHF million [+]
External Debt 1917217.20 2035722.20 2242435.40 762503.00 CHF Million [+]
Terms of Trade 105.78 105.11 124.87 74.27 points [+]
Capital Flows 3325.28 22854.61 61979.52 -67463.46 CHF Million [+]
Foreign Direct Investment 1055435.30 1120442.60 1347820.20 20958.90 CHF Million [+]
Tourist Arrivals 1584.13 1456.73 2373.40 53.92 Thousand [+]
Gold Reserves 1040.00 1040.00 2590.18 1039.99 Tonnes [+]
Terrorism Index 0.63 2.21 2.72 0.13 Points [+]
Tourism Revenues 4368.82 5543.99 5543.99 999.10 CHF Million [+]
Weapons Sales 175.00 118.00 554.00 18.00 SIPRI TIV Million [+]